Biographical sketch                                   
Name:            Shogo Endo
Title:             Director
Nationality:      Japanese

Education (All in Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
1983  Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1985  Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
1988  Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Professional and research experience:
Director, Aging Regulation Research Team,
Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital and Institute of Gerontology (TokyoMetropolitan Institute of Gerontology),
Tokyo, Japan

Principal Investigator, Unit for Molecular Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, Initial Research Project, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Promotion Corporation. Uruma, Okinawa, Japan.

Unit leader, Neuronal Circuit Mechanisms Research Group, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako, Japan.

Research Scientist, Laboratory for Learning and Memory, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako, Japan.

Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemical and Biophysical Sciences,
University of Houston, Houston, TX.

Research Associate Department of Pharmacology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC.

Research fellow, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, TX.


Selected publications

S. Endo, F. Shutoh, T. L. Dinh, T. Okamoto, T. Ikeda, M. Suzuki, S. Kawahara, Dai Yanagihara, K. Yamada, Y. Kirino, T. Sakamoto, S Itohara, A. Nairn, P Greengard, S. Nagao, and M. Ito. Dual involvement of G-substrate in motor learning revealed by gene deletion.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106, 3525-3530, 2009.

N. Kojima, G. Borlikova, T. Sakamoto, K. Yamada, T. Ikeda, S. Itohara, H. Niki, and S. Endo. Inducible cAMP early repressor acts as a negative regulator for kindling epileptogenesis and long-term fear memory. J. Neurosci. 28, 6459-6472, 2008.

T. Launey, S. Endo, R. Sakai, J. Harano, and M. Ito.
Protein phosphatase -2A regulates cerebellar long-term depression and declustering of synaptic AMPA receptor.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 101, 676-681, 2004.

S. Endo and T. Launey.
ERKs regulate PKC-dependent synaptic depression and declustering of glutamate receptors in cerebellar Purkinje cells.
Neuropharmacol. 45, 863-872, 2003.

S. Endo, M. Suzuki, M. Sumi, A.C. Nairn, R. Morita, K. Yamakawa, P. Greengard, and M. Ito.
Molecular identification of human G-substrate, a possible downstream component of cGMP-dependent protein kinase cascade.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 2467-2472, 1999.

Q.R. Liu. S. Hattar, S. Endo, K. MacPhee, H. Zhang, L.J. Cleary, J.H. Byrne, and A. Eskin.
A developmental Gene (Tolloid/BMP-1) is regulated in Aplysia neurons by treatments that induce long-term sensitization.
J. Neurosci. 17, 755-764, 1997.

F. Zhang, S. Endo, L.J. Cleary, A. Eskin, and J.H. Byrne.
Role of transforming growth factor-β in long-term synaptic facilitation in Aplysia.
Science 275, 1318-1320, 1997.

S. Endo, S.D. Critz, J.H. Byrne, and S. Shenolikar.
Protein phosphatase-1 regulates K+ currents in the sensory neurons of Aplysia californica.
J. Neurochem. 64, 1833-1840, 1995.

R.M. Mulkey, S. Endo, S. Shenolikar, and R.C. Malenka.
Involvement of a calcineurin/inhibitor-1 phosphatase cascade in hippocampal long-term depression.
Nature 369, 486-488, 1994.


Full publications

Y. Uechi, M. Bayarjargal, M. Umikawa, M. Oshiro, K. Takei, Y. Yamashiro, T. Asato, S. Endo, R. Misaki, T. Taguchi, K. Kariya. Rap2 function requires palmitoylation and recycling endosome localization. Biochem.Biophys.Res. Commu. 378, 732-737, 2009.

S. Endo, F. Shutoh, T. L. Dinh, T. Okamoto, T. Ikeda, M. Suzuki, S. Kawahara, Dai Yanagihara, K. Yamada, Y. Kirino, T. Sakamoto, S Itohara, A. Nairn, P Greengard, S. Nagao, and M. Ito. Dual involvement of G-substrate in motor learning revealed by gene deletion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106, 3525-3530, 2009.

G. Borlikova and S. Endo. Inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) and Brain Functions. Mol. Neurobiol. 40, 73-86, 2009.

T. Nakazawa, M. Shimura, M. Ryu, K. Nishida, G. Pagès, J. Pouyssègur, and S. Endo. ERK1 plays a critical protective role against N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced retinal injury. J. Neurosci. Res. 86(1), 136-144, 2008

T. Suzuki, F. Du, QB. Tian, J. Zhang, and S. Endo. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα clusters are associated with stable lipid rafts and their formation traps PSD-95. J. Neurochem. 104(3), 596-610, 2008

N. Kojima, G. Borlikova, T. Sakamoto, K. Yamada, T. Ikeda, S. Itohara, H. Niki, and S. Endo. Inducible cAMP early repressor acts as a negative regulator for kindling epileptogenesis and long-term fear memory. J. Neurosci. 28, 6459-6472, 2008.

T. Sakamoto, and S. Endo. GABAA receptors in deep cerebellar nuclei play important roles in mouse eyeblink conditioning.  Brain Res. 1230, 125-137, 2008.

T. Nakazawa, M. Shimura, M. Kondo, S. Yokokura, M. Tamai, K. Nishida, and S. Endo. The neuroprotective role of G-substrate in N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced amacrine cell death. J. Neurosci. Res. 86, 136-144, 2008.

T. Nakazawa, M. Shimura, R. Mourin, M Kondo, S. Yokokura, T.C. Saido, K. Nishida, and S. Endo. Calpain-mediated degradation of G-substrate plays a critical role in retinal excitotoxicity for amacrine cells. J Neurosci. Res. 87, 1412-1423.

H. Nonaka, K. Takei, M. Umikawa, M, Oshiro, K. Kuninaka, M. Bayarjargal, T. Asato, Y. Yamashiro, Y. Uechi, S. Endo, Tatsuo Suzuki. MINK is a Rap2 effector for phosphorylation of  the postsynaptic scaffold protein TANC1. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 377, 573-578, 2008.

O. Imamura, Y. Satoh, S. Endo, and K. Takishima. Analysis of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 function in neural stem.progenitor cells via nervous system-specific gene disruption. Stem cells, 26, 3247-3256, 2008.

T. Suzuki, Q.B. Tian, J. Kuromitsu, T. Kawai, and S. Endo. Characterization of mRNA species that are associated with postsynaptic density fraction by gene chip microarray analysis. Neurosci. Res. 57(1), 61-85, 2007

E. Maruyama, K. Ogawa, S. Endo, M. Tsujimoto, T. Hashikawa, T. Nabetani, and A. Tsugita. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor induces cell surface expression of short-form tenascin R complex in hippocampal presynapses. Int. J. Biochem. Cell. Biol. 39(10), 1930-1942, 2007.

Y. Lu, QB. Tian, S. Endo, and T. Suzuki A role for LRP4 in neuronal cell viability is related to apoE-binding. Brain Res. 1177, 19-28, 2007.

C.Y. Chung, J. B. Koprich, S. Endo, and O. Isacson. An endogenous Ser/Thr protein phosphatase inhibitor, G-substrate, reduces vulnerability in models of Parkinson’s disease. J. Neurosci. 27(31), 8314-8323, 2007.

Y. Satoh, S. Endo, T. Ikeda, K. Yamada, M. Ito, M. Kuroki, T. Hiramoto, O. Imamura, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Watanabe, S. Itohara, and K. Takishima. ERK2 knockdown mice show deficit in long-term memory; ERK2 has a specific function in learning and memory. J. Neurosci. 27(40), 10765-10776, 2007

S. Endo, Y. Satoh, K. Shah, and K. Takishima A single amino-acid change in ERK1/2 makes the enzyme susceptible to PP1 derivatives. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 341, 261-265, 2006.

Q.B. Tian, T. Suzuki, T. Yamauchi, H. Sakagami, Y. Yoshimura, S. Miyazawa, K. Nakayama, F. Saitoh, J.P. Zhang, Y. Lu, H. Kondo, and S. Endo. Interaction of LDL receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4) with postsynaptic scaffold proteins via its C-terminal PDZ domain-binding motif, and its regulation by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Eur. J. Neurosci. 23, 2864-2876, 2006

F. Du, F. Saitoh, Q.B. Tian, S. Miyazawa, S. Endo, and T. Suzuki Mechanisms for association of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with lipid rafts. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 347, 814-820, 2006.

T. Suzuki, W. Li, J.P. Zhang, Q.B. Tian, H. Sakagami, N. Usada, H. Kondo, T. Fujii, and S. Endo. A novel scaffold protein, TANC, possibly a rat homolog of Drosophila rolling pebbles (rols), forms a multiprotein complex with various postsynaptic density proteins.
Eur. J. Neurosci. 21, 339-350, 2005

X. Wang, Q.B. Tian, A. Okano, H. Sakagami, I.S. Moon, H. Kondo, S. Endo, and T. Suzuki. BAALC 1-6-8 protein is targeted to postsynaptic lipid rafts by its N-terminal myristoylation and palmitoylation, and interacts with α, but not β, subunit of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.
J. Neurochem. 92, 647-659, 2005

N. Kojima, T. Sakamoto, S. Endo, and H. Niki. Impairment of conditioned freezing to tone, but not to context, in Fyn-transgenic mice: Relationship to NMDA receptor subunit 2B function.
Eur. J. Neurosci. 21, 1359-1369, 2005

J.P. Zhang, Q.B. Tian, H. Sakagami, H. Kondo, S. Endo, and T. Suzuki. p55 protein is a member of PSD scaffold proteins in the rat brain and interacts with various PSD proteins.
Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. 135, 204-216, 2005

JS. Bae, S. Furuya, Y. Shinoda, S. Endo, EH. Schuchman, Y. Hirabayashi and HK. Jin. Neurodegeneration augments the ability of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells to fuse with Purkinje neurons in Niemann-Pick type C Mice.
Hum. Gene, Ther. 16, 1006-1011, 2005.

T. Nakazawa, S. Endo, M. Shimura, M. Kondo, S. Ueno, and M. Tamai. Retinal G-substrate, potential downstream component of NO/cGMP/PKG pathway, is located in subtype of retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells with protein phosphatases.
Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. 135, 58-68, 2005

T. Nakazawa, M. Shimura, S. Endo, H. Takahashi, N. Mori, and M. Tamai. N-Methyl-D-Aspartate suppresses Akt activity through protein phosphatase in the retinal ganglion cells.
Mol. Vision. 11, 1173-1182, 2005

Y. Satoh, Y. Kanda, M. Terakawa, M. Obara, K. Mizuno, Y. Watanabe, S. Endo, H. Ooigawa, H. Nawashiro, S. Sato, and K. Takishima. Targeted DNA transfection into the mouse central nervous system using laser-induced stress waves. J. Biomed. Opt. 10, 060501, 2005

Q.B. Tian, T. Suzuki, T. Yamauchi, H. Sakagami, Y. Yoshimura, S. Miyazawa, K. Nakayama, F. Saitoh, J.P. Zhang, Y. Lu, H. Kondo and S. Endo.
Interaction of LDL receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4) with postsynaptic scaffold proteins via its C-terminal PDZ domain-binding motif, and its regulation by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.
Eur. J. Neurosci.23, 2864-2876, 2006

S. Endo, Y. Satoh, K. Shah, and K. Takishima
A single amino-acid change in ERK1/2 makes the enzyme susceptible to PP1 derivatives.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 341, 261-265, 2006.

T. Suzuki, W. Li, J.P. Zhang, Q.B. Tian, H. Sakagami, N. Usada, H. Kondo, T. Fujii, and S. Endo.
A novel scaffold protein, TANC, possibly a rat homolog of Drosophila rolling pebbles (rols), forms a multiprotein complex with various postsynaptic density proteins.
Eur. J. Neurosci. 21, 339-350, 2005

X. Wang, Q.B. Tian, A. Okano, H. Sakagami, I.S. Moon, H. Kondo, S. Endo, and T. Suzuki.
BAALC 1-6-8 protein is targeted to postsynaptic lipid rafts by its N-terminal miristoylation and palmitoylation, and interacts with α, but not β, subunit of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.
J. Neurochem. 92, 647-659, 2005

N. Kojima, T. Sakamoto, S. Endo, and H. Niki.
Impairment of conditioned freezing to tone, but not to context, in Fyn-transgenic mice: Relationship to NMDA receptor subunit 2B function.
Eur. J. Neurosci. 21, 1359-1369, 2005

J.P. Zhang, Q.B. Tian, H. Sakagami, H. Kondo, S. Endo, and T. Suzuki.
p55 protein is a member of PSD scaffold proteins in the rat brain and interacts with various PSD proteins.
Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 135, 204-216, 2005

JS. Bae, S. Furuya, Y. Shinoda, S. Endo, EH. Schuchman, Y. Hirabayashi and HK. Jin.
Neurodegeneration Augments the Ability of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Fuse with Purkinje Neurons in Niemann-Pick Type C Mice.
Hum. Gene, Ther. 16, 1006-1011, 2005.

T. Nakazawa, S. Endo, M. Shimura, M. Kondo, S. Ueno, and M. Tamai.
Retinal G-substrate, potential downstream component of NO/cGMP/PKG pathway, is located in subtype of retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells with protein phosphatases.
Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 135, 58-68, 2005

T. Nakazawa, M. Shimura, S. Endo, H. Takahashi, N. Mori, and M. Tamai.
N-Methyl-D-Aspartate suppresses Akt activity through protein phosphatase in the retinal ganglion cells.
Mol. Vision. 11, 1173-1182, 2005

Y. Satoh, Y. Kanda, M. Terakawa, M. Obara, K. Mizuno, Y. Watanabe, S. Endo, H. Ooigawa, H. Nawashiro, S. Sato, and K. Takishima.
Targeted DNA transfection into the mouse central nervous system using laser-induced stress waves.
J. Biomed. Opt. 10, 060501, 2005

T. Launey, S. Endo, R. Sakai, J. Harano, and M. Ito.
Protein phosphatase -2A regulates cerebellar long-term depression and declustering of synaptic AMPA receptor.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 101, 676-681, 2004.

M. Michishita, T. Ikeda, T. Nakashiba, M. Ogawa, K. Tashiro, T. Honjo, K. Doi, S. Itohara, and S. Endo.
Expression of Btcl2, a novel member of Btcl gene family, during development of the central nervous system.
Developmental Brain Res, 153, 135-142, 2004.

S. Endo, A.C. Nairn, P. Greengard, and M. Ito.
Thr123 of rat G-substrate contributes to its action as a protein phosphatase inhibitor.
Neuroscience Research. 45, 79-89, 2003.

M. Michishita, T. Ikeda, T. Nakashiba, M. Ogawa, K. Tashiro, T. Honjo, K. Doi, S. Itohara, and S. Endo.
A novel gene, Btcl1, encoding CUB and LDLa domains is expressed in restricted areas of mouse brain.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 306, 680-686, 2003.

S. Endo and T. Launey.
ERKs regulate PKC-dependent synaptic depression and declustering of glutamate receptors in cerebellar Purkinje cells.
Neuropharmacol. 45, 863-872, 2003.

S. Endo and T. Launey.
Nitric oxide activates ERK1/2 and enhances declustering of GluR2/3 in cerebellar Purkinje cells.
Neurosci. Lett. 350, 122-126, 2003.

Q.B. Tian, A. Okano, K. Nakayama, S. Miyazawa, S. Endo, and T. Suzuki.
A novel ubiquitin-specific protease, synUSP, is localized at the postsynaptic density and postsynaptic lipid raft.
J. Neurochem. 87, 665-675, 2003.

H. Nishiyama, T. Knopfel, S. Endo, and S. Itohara.
Glial protein S100B modulates long term neuronal synaptic plasticity.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 4037-4042, 2002.

J. Levenson, S. Endo, J.H. Byrne, and A. Eskin.
Long-term regulation of neuronal high-affinity glutamate uptake in Aplysia.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 12858-12863, 2000.

S. Endo, M. Suzuki, M. Sumi, A.C. Nairn, R. Morita, K. Yamakawa, P. Greengard, and M. Ito.
Molecular identification of human G-substrate, a possible downstream component of cGMP-dependent protein kinase cascade.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 2467-2472, 1999.

Q.R. Liu. S. Hattar, S. Endo, K. MacPhee, H. Zhang, L.J. Cleary, J.H. Byrne, and A. Eskin.
A developmental Gene (Tolloid/BMP-1) is regulated in Aplysia neurons by treatments that induce long-term sensitization.
J. Neurosci. 17, 755-764, 1997.

F. Zhang, S. Endo, L.J. Cleary, A. Eskin, and J.H. Byrne.
Role of transforming growth factor-β in long-term synaptic facilitation in Aplysia.
Science 275, 1318-1320, 1997.

S. Endo, J.H. Connor, B. Forney, L. Zhang, T.S. Ingebritsen, E.Y.C. Lee, and S. Shenolikar.
Conversion of protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit to a Mn2+-dependent enzyme impairs its regulation by inhibitor 1.
Biochemistry 36, 6986-6992, 1997.

S. Endo, X. Zhou, J. Connor, B. Wang, and S. Shenolikar.
Multiple structural elements defines the specificity of recombinant human inhibitor-1 as a protein phosphatase-1 inhibitor.
Biochemistry 35, 5220-5228, 1996.

S. Endo, S.D. Critz, J.H. Byrne, and S. Shenolikar.
Protein phosphatase-1 regulates K+ currents in the sensory neurons of Aplysia californica.
J. Neurochem. 64, 1833-1840, 1995.

S. Endo.
Neuronal membrane Protein Phosphatases.
Neuroprotocols 6, 29-34, 1995.

R.M. Mulkey, S. Endo, S. Shenolikar, and R.C. Malenka.
Involvement of a calcineurin/inhibitor-1 phosphatase cascade in hippocampal long-term depression.
Nature 369, 486-488, 1994.

S. Endo and S. Shenolikar.
Protein phosphatases and memory currents.
Neurosci. Facts 4, 11-12, 1993.

S. Endo, R.E. Zwartjes, A. Eskin, S. Shenolikar, and J.H. Byrne.
Characterization of protein phosphatases in Aplysia californica.
J. Neurochem.  58, 975-982, 1992.

S. Endo, M. Ichinose, S.D. Critz, A. Eskin, J.H. Byrne, and S. Shenolikar.
Protein phosphatases and their role in control of membrane currents in Aplysia neurons.
Adv. Protein Phosphatase, 6, 411-432, 1991.

M. Ichinose, S. Endo, S.D. Critz, S. Shenolikar, and J.H. Byrne.
MCYST-LR, a potent protein phosphatase inhibitor, prolongs the serotonin- and cAMP-induced currents in sensory neurons of Aplysia californica.
Brain Research 533, 137-140, 1990.

S. Endo, H. Yokosawa, and S. Ishii.
Degradation of substance P by neuronal and glial cells cultured from rat fetal brain and their membrane.
Neuropeptides 14, 31-37, 1989.

S. Endo, H. Yokosawa, and S. Ishii.
Involvement of endopeptidase-24.11 in degradation of substance P by glioma cells.
Neuropeptides 14, 177-184, 1989.
S. Endo, H. Yokosawa, and S. Ishii.  Purification and characterization of a substance P-degrading endopeptidase from rat brain.  J. Biochem. 104, 999-1006, 1988.

H. Yokosawa, S. Endo, Y. Ohgaki, J. Maeyama, and S. Ishii.  Hydrolysis of substance P and its analogues by angiotensin-converting enzyme from rat lung.  Characterization of endopeptidase activity of the enzyme.  J. Biochem. 98, 1293-1299, 1985.

S. Endo, H. Yokosawa, and S. Ishii.  Degradation of substance P by neuroblastoma cells and their membrane.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 129, 694-700, 1985.

H. Yokosawa, S. Endo, Y. Ogura and S. Ishii. New feature of angiotensin-converting enzyme in the brain : Hydrolysis of substance P.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 116, 735-742, 1983.


S. Endo.
Mechanisms of Memory.
Vol1, pp254-264, Neurosurgery Guide Book, A. Yamaura, ed., Nakayama Shoten Co., Tokyo, Japan.

S. Endo.
Learning and Memory.
pp 247-256, Neuroscience Illustrated, Mori et al ed., Yodosha, Tokyo, Japan

S. Endo.
An efficient animal facility for he study of learning and memory study using genetically modified animals.
LABBIO21. 24, 18-24, 2006